Jordan Fjellman

I want to glorify the Lord in the roles He's given me: Husband, Father, and Developer

Hello, my name is Jordan! I want to introduce myself, so you can get to know me. I have a few hats that I wear, and I love the challenge of getting to wear them at the same time. I'm grateful you're here as I work things out!

About Me

Father of Boys

I have 5 young boys, and they keep me busy! The provide non-stop energy, and I'm determined to raise them with intentionality. This calling impacts every other area of my life as I try to navigate the difficulties of parenting.

Full-Stack Developer

As I've moved through my software development career, I've found that I like working in the area that needs the help most. This means I've grown in different ways and know a few technology stacks and languages. For example, I've spent time planning and building React applications — both web and native. But, I also have architected and built event-driven services in Scala. (I'm currently really enjoying learning Rust.)

Employed by Lifeway

I've work at Lifeway as a lead, staff engineer. I serve with an amazing team! We focus on building applications that help people engage with God's word.

About this Site

This site is a public place for me to post a few of my notes and other things I want to share. I find that I often need to share my notes with others, and this provides an easy way to do so. This means that I share mostly content around software development. However, I want to also be able to share what I'm discovering about parenting and leadership.